Welcome to Week One of the Reading Group
Today we dive into week one of our first-ever online reading group, and I’m excited to share this little adventure with you! If you’ve never done something like this, that’s OK. Neither have I. We’re going to figure out the logistics together, and we’re going to let grace be our banner.
To begin, all the details are right here. So hop over there if you haven’t already. In short, we’re going to be reading Emily Freeman’s Grace for the Good Girl together, as one collective community. Using the e-reading platform BookShout!, we get the opportunity to interact with one another via comments as we journey chapter by chapter. Each Monday, I’ll share that week’s reading assignment, as well as post-reading questions for discussion or reflection. Do the study privately, grab a friend and walk through it together, or use this as a source of encouragement to host a larger group study. The logistics don’t really matter. I just want to give us the opportunity to experience grace together.
So what are we waiting for? If you haven’t already, go download the book, review the details, and then hop back here. Now let’s go!
This week we’ll be reading the intro, as well as chapters 1, 2 and 3. If you’re reading along on BookShout!, please leave comments as you go. You can also leave comments here on the blog. Think about the areas of your life where you may strive to be good or perfect. Pray that God would begin to reveal the places where you’re striving is superseding His grace.
What is your definition of a good girl?
Where are you most inclined to pull out the good girl? Why?
Do you feel that you hide behind masks in an effort to present this good girl to the world? If yes, what are your specific masks?
How does hiding behind a mask of goodness hinder God’s work in your life?
How does a belief in your own goodness diminish the Gospel?
Throughout this week, ask God to show you where you might be hiding behind a mask of goodness. Ask the Lord to remove that mask so that He may replace it with His own grace.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts friends, and I can’t wait to walk this journey with you! Have a great week!
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All content on F&C is ©Faith&Composition by Shalene Roberts, unless otherwise noted.
I’ve downloaded the bookshout app and joined the circle for this book, but I can’t seem to find a way to comment. Is that because I have a hard copy of the book? I can reply on your comments. Is that what we’re supposed to do? Wanting to join in, but not sure how. Thanks! Sara
Sara, so glad you’ll be joining us! You’ll have to read the e-book in the BookShout app if you want to interact with others via comments in each chapter. The app allows you to highlight a particular section and then leave a comment pertaining to it.