1. Girl, you so eloquently laid out for me what I have had a very hard time coming to grips with as a parent. My precious son has shown me over and over again how I struggle with our heavenly Father in determining what is best or what I need. His fierce independence, apparent since he was a baby has absolutely driven me to plead more often “help me let go and let you”. On the flip side of that, which I am so utterly thankful for is the kindness and affection he has allowed to overflow from Zeke to remind me how greatly we are loved even through storms! Washed by grace….held in an everlasting embrace! Can’t wait to see you this weekend, dear friend!

  2. This is beautiful, as is your blog. I look forward to exploring it more. Ah yes, children…they do have a way of showing us ourselves. And I too have found that they show us the magnitude of the Father’s love. Having two sons that I adore beyond words, I constantly marvel that He actually gave His Son because He loves us so. Leaves me speechless. Visiting from ChattingAtTheSky. (Love your photos, by the way…)

  3. wow. I feel across a photo you posted on instagram and it ess like aspiration at first sight. I immediately clicked the link to your profile and had further confirmation of how wonderful you seem. how much you reflect Christ and his love. I saw in one simple sentence so many things that I want to be. naturally I clicked to come see your blog and wow. these words ring such truth and penetrate my evil desires with such persistence. all too often I gorge myself on sugary treats when his everlasting, thirst quenching water is right next to me. thank you for this reminder of my need for sustance. ask I can really say, is wow. thank. you, and wow.

  4. You just brought me back to when you and Branny were that age. Put in to words so beautifully what many of us felt and are feeling. I’m extremely proud of the women, mother, wife and friend you have become. Thank you Jesus for honoring me with such a precious daughter. Love you Danielle.

  5. Somehow your thoughts and feelings have managed to mirror mine to a T. I have two daughters, 3 years and a 9 month old of my own, and my three year old has been gifted with my strong will. It is uncanny how they are able to put a giant mirror up to your face and then point you back to God with a grateful heart that thanks Him for his grace towards us.

  6. For each time that I respond in harshness and frustration at my 3-year old girl’s disobedience and sin against me, the Lord responds with grace and forgiveness at my sin and disobedience against Him. He is the perfect Father!
    Motherhood has shown me my sin more clearly than anything else in my life. Never before have I felt so broken, and never before has His grace seemed so sweet. Praise God for his indescribable gift! Praise God for His salvation!

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