1. Hi Shalene,
    I can truly empathize with you. I have known that overwhelming feeling many, many times. I am the mother of ten, my oldest now 28 and my “baby” soon to be twelve. When you say this life is so busy — it sure can be. I would encourage you to push back however against the clamour of our culture, (and the church), and say a resounding “No” to this spirit of the culture we live in. Yes, our lives as moms are full but I am jealously contending for that quiet, confident life where we walk with Jesus moment by moment led by Him and in His peace. Yes, easier said than done, but God is glorified as we seek such a walk. Let’s resist what this world is seeking to do to us. And let Jesus write your “To do list” each morning. 🙂

  2. Hey Shalane,
    Thank you for you honesty sister! Praise God for His truth…despite the daily ongoing challenges, we have a merciful Lord leading us through the “noise” of life. I pray that we as mommies continue to keep our eyes focused on Him and be a light to out little ones.

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