Honest Contemplations and Week Three of the Reading Group
Do you ever have those days where the cumulative effect of the urgent, must-be-done-soon tasks is a bit overwhelming? I’m having one of those moments today. Thinking about the coming summer, preparations for vacation, home-repair projects for our soon-to-be-listed house, meals to plan, mouths to feed, diapers to change, budgets to make and keep, errands to run … it can all hit me hard. This life is so busy. Sometimes I embrace it wholeheartedly, and other times I long for the simple, the slower pace. I long for space that invites my kids to run and my mind to breathe, unfettered by the trappings of maintenance and responsibilities.
I don’t have a pretty conclusion to those thoughts today. I’m just sharing an honest confession of where I am. But I do know that grace will trump guilt every time! And I know that when my spirit feels harried, it’s usually because I’m not anchoring myself in the rock that is higher than I. So if you’re feeling a bit like me, try to carve out some time in God’s Word (even if it’s a single verse as you wait in the carpool line), and let your soul lap up the life-giving water that flows from the well-spring of life itself. And you know what? I’ll say a prayer for you. Will you say a prayer for me too?
And then if you have some more time this week and want to dig a bit deeper into the unquenchable grace of God, join us in our online reading group featuring Emily Freeman’s Grace for the Good Girl. We’re diving into week three today, but it’s never too late to join! You can be as active or passive as you’d like. You can also choose to read the book on your own, or use the questions posed here as a springboard for a larger group study. Just know that an invitation stands. If you’re new here, you can find all the details here. Then click over for week one and week two. And remember, you can get a 40% off coupon code for the book (click here to buy) when you subscribe to F&C. Just enter your e mail in the box to the sidebar at the right, and click “I want to Follow F&C!” The 40% off coupon code will arrive in your inbox shortly.
This week we’ll be reading chapters 7, 8 and 9. Remember to leave comments via BookShout! as you go so we can all interact and have an ongoing dialogue. Then use the following questions as a way to dig deeper into the text yourself, or use these as a source of discussion for a larger group study.
If you’re studying the book as part of a larger group, share a little bit about your testimony. How did you come to know the Lord? How has your testimony affected your view of grace?
In chapter 7, Emily write that what looks like strength on the outside is actually a deep cavernous well of neediness. How do you mask your own needs? Why do you mask them?
Do you agree that “there is more power in sharing our weakness than our strengths?” Why or why not? When we share our weaknesses, who gets the glory? (see Corinthians 12:9).
Do you (consciously or subconsciously) prevent people from getting too close because you’re afraid they will discover your own weaknesses and insecurities?
Read Luke 15:11-32. Who do you empathize with? The younger son or the older son? Why?
The younger son sinned in obvious ways; the older son’s sin was more subversive. How did he sin?
What does the older son’s response to his father reveal to us about his understanding of grace?
I look forward to hearing from each of you on these thoughts, dear friends! Have a blessed week!
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All content on F&C is ©Faith&Composition by Shalene Roberts, unless otherwise noted.
Hi Shalene,
I can truly empathize with you. I have known that overwhelming feeling many, many times. I am the mother of ten, my oldest now 28 and my “baby” soon to be twelve. When you say this life is so busy — it sure can be. I would encourage you to push back however against the clamour of our culture, (and the church), and say a resounding “No” to this spirit of the culture we live in. Yes, our lives as moms are full but I am jealously contending for that quiet, confident life where we walk with Jesus moment by moment led by Him and in His peace. Yes, easier said than done, but God is glorified as we seek such a walk. Let’s resist what this world is seeking to do to us. And let Jesus write your “To do list” each morning. 🙂
Hey Shalane,
Thank you for you honesty sister! Praise God for His truth…despite the daily ongoing challenges, we have a merciful Lord leading us through the “noise” of life. I pray that we as mommies continue to keep our eyes focused on Him and be a light to out little ones.