1. Ya know, you always seem to write the perfect topic at the perfect time. My mom and I were just discussing how we hadn’t seen a post of yours in awhile and that your kids must have been keeping you busy. 🙂 Glad to have you back! I only have two young kiddos (until God blesses us with more), but they go go go and I feel that they are always stretching me thin and putting me to my limits. So many times this past week, I have had to stop and apologize to my eldest for blowing up at her…and she’s only 2! I went back and read “The Butterfly Lesson” and it was a great reminder that The Lord turns our ugly selves into beautiful renewed purpose. And today’s post about Jesus redeeming our guilt…. Bless you for your words and your experiences! 🙂

  2. Shalene, I am praying for you now, what an amazing vessel you are! I look forward to reading your posts because I know every time I can identify. I love your honesty, humility and teachable spirit. Your posts have meant THE WORLD to me as I struggle to be an intentional mother and parent with grace. You had me hooked after I read the post earlier this year about how God Sees everything we do as mothers and He praises us when we don’t hear it anywhere else or feel like we deserve it. These things have been my intense struggles this year and am thankful to have learned so much on these topics from you and other sources. I am so thankful I didn’t give up on trying and I let God redeem me and work through me!

    Have you considered compiling all your intentional mothering posts into a downloadable ebook? I want one! Also I will keep the link with all the 31 posts listed out handy to send to my friends. I’ve been sharing with everyone! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    1. Kristi, that means so very much! Thank you! I am so humbled that my posts have impacted you. It truly is my heart … that my vulnerability would encourage others and that I would always point back to Jesus. I love that you asked about an e book; that actually IS my plan! I had intended to write each day in October for 31 days, but obviously I missed that mark. I do however still have so much to say on the topic, so I’m going to be extending the series into November. When it’s done, I plan to compile it into an e book. So glad to know I’ll have at least one e-book reader! 🙂

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