Welcome to Week Four of the Reading Group
If you’ve been awaiting week four of the F&C reading group, I apologize for posting late. I planned to post last week, but the hubbie was out of town on business for a few days, which always throws our schedule for a bit of a loop. Nevertheless, I’m back at it, and I hope you’ll jump in and join us for week four of the F&C reading group!
If you’re new here, it’s never too late to join! You can find all the details right here. In short, we’re reading Emily Freeman’s Grace for the Good Girl together as a collective community. Using BookShout!, we’re interacting with one another via comments as we journey chapter by chapter. (You can get a 40% off coupon code for the book–click here to buy–when you subscribe to F&C. Just enter your e mail in the box to the sidebar at the right, and click “I want to Follow F&C!” The coupon code will arrive in your inbox.) Then each week, I share the reading assignment and questions for discussion or reflection. If you’re ready to join, download the book, review the details, and hop back here. To review the previous weeks’ discussions, simply click for week 1, week 2 and week 3.
Now let’s dive into week four!
This week’s reading covers chapter 10, intro to part 2 and chapter 11. As you read, consider the following questions for reflection, or use these as as a source of discussion for a larger group study.
In chapter 10, Emily talks about how Satan convinced Eve that she had to DO something in order to BE something. How have you fallen prey to that lie? Do you feel you have to do things to be considered a Christian? A good wife? A loving mom? Etc?
Read Ephesians 2:1-9. What does the Word tell us about the lie that we have to do something in order to be something?
Read Romans 6:4-8. Let the words really sink in. Do you believe that truth wholeheartedly? If not, how would it change the way you lived your life if it did?
How is attempting to obey God out of you own sheer will different from obeying him out of gratitude for the gift of salvation? Which response is your natural inclination? If you tend to obey our of your own will, how can you begin to let your obedience be the result of gratitude for His gift? (Read Philippians 4:6-7)
Have you received the gift of salvation? (If not, you can accept God’s gift right now. Romans 10:9 says, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Are you remaining in the word?
Are you responding to God’s word on a daily basis?
Are you remembering Him moment by moment? (Is your heart set on heavenly things or earthly things?)
Have a great week, dear friends! I’ll see you back here in a few days!
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