1. We haven’t really given our kids traditional Easter baskets either. They get a small gift from Mom and Dad (this year its a special train bridge for my son, and a new backpack for kindergarten in Sept for my daughter) and then we usually hide a few treats inside some eggs around the house, and that’s it. Leading up to Easter we continually read the story of the cross and what it meant at the time, and what it means to us now. I love the idea of hiding scripture in the eggs! and I’ll definitely be incorporating that into our egg hunt this year.

  2. I am so excited to do the resurrection eggs with our daughter this year! We won’t be doing a basket this year either, I was actually dreading doing it. My husband is currently deployed and will be during easter, and it was just one thing on the to do list that never seems to end, so I decided to focus on Christ 🙂

    I do however LOVE a good egg hunt and Walmart (which i usually HATE!) has bouncy balls & bubbles that fit inside normal sized easter eggs, so for our egg hunt on base, I filled eggs with those (and some left over for our friends and family hunt) instead of candy! I love the idea of scripture!

  3. Amen! In the past few years I’ve been refusing to decorate my window this year with fluffy chicks, flowers, and eggs–it’s stupid and negates the true religious definition of Easter. I cannot even find one Christian themed window decoration in gift stores such as Hallmark. Children need to realize that Easter is about the Resurrection, not primarily candy. A few jelly beans and colored eggs are OK, but not as the centerpiece of Easter.

  4. This has been on my heart, too, since I’ve had my first child (now three) and experienced our first Christmas and every holiday since! What a wonderful way you have of expressing everything we mom’s feel and can relate to! Great read once again 🙂

  5. We’re planning on going to an egg hunt in our community the week before. Then on Easter weekend we can focus on Jesus and the real meaning. It’s really hard not to get caught up in the whole easter basket thing. I put away my daughter’s (she’s 2) stuff from last year and plan to bring it out so she will have plastic eggs and a few toys to play with.

  6. I SO love this post. And I’m SO not doing an easter basket this year, either. I had already decided that. I struggle with all of the “stuff” that comes with every holiday these days. It is truly a source of dissension and grief in my house. I am glad to see another mother taking a stand against the “flow” in an effort to get back to what’s important. Remembering why we celebrate Easter and Christmas in the first place. Oh that my kids would actually know the meaning behind our celebration and learn to glorify God. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Decades ago when life wasn’t quite so “over the top”, the Easter Bunny came on Saturday morning and left a small amount of goodies and one small toy (usually a small Lego kit). Our children understood that our E. Bunny went to church on Sunday to celebrate Christ’s resurrection, which we’d been discussing in the weeks leading up to Easter. Our egg hunt was also small and held on Saturday as well. As a Grammie I send a card to each of my grands, but I allow their parents the option of doing the whole Easter basket thing.

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