1. I think one of the ways I have become more intentional as a mother is to let go of all expectations and just love my child right where he is. Accepting that he is at a certain emotional level and deciding to meet him at his level even though that may not be where I think it should be. Knowing that he is perfect just the way he is, made perfect by God. When I can appreciate him despite shortcomings, I am able to reach him and truly love him. That love is truly nurturing both of us. I surrender to God to be my rock when I just want to hide. My son is 13.

  2. I think the most intentional thing I can do for my children is to prayerfully lose my life on every point, at every point, every day. The LORD knows all of my hidden motives, my sins, my temptations, my desires–godly and not, and my shortcomings. He will help me raise my children to His glory.

  3. I try to pray intentionally for my husband and children. I have a pray guide that I printed from Imom.com that I read every night.
    I try to intentionally watch what I wear because although my daughters are young, they are watching closely. I make sure my shorts are an appropriate length and gave up bikinis.
    I struggle with; Am I doing God’s will or my own? Am I making God a top priority or my children? Can I take this task on or am I stretching myself too thin?

  4. You have been such an encouragement to me lately! I pray that The Lord continues to breathe through your words! I don’t even remember how I came across your blog, but it was the perfect timing as I am a mom of two young ones, one of which doesn’t sleep more than a few hours at a time (if I’m lucky) and the second which has never ending energy. They are exhausting, but you have brought me back to perspective and the reality of God’s purpose for me as a mom. Thank you!

  5. I’m a new mother and I’m realizing how important being intentional is. I’ve seen my flaws grow large now that I’m a mother and I really want to be the best I can! Thank you for sharing with me and encouraging me. I’m excited to follow you daily.

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